Tuesday, January 19, 2010

a wOrkiNg miNd

Assalamualaikum and a good day,

Yesterday was senior registration.

My oh my.....been very busy. So...busy. Haha...got problems here and there but eventually got through it all. Yes yes!!

This semester, the method of registration was different. We used fully online registration rather than last semester where most of the procedure need documents. So of course there will be some minor problems occurred ya.

At first the procedure does seems awkward and complex. But eventually when you got the drill, snap and it was easy ya! Haha....really appreciates all the hard work from the e-hep team. They did a very fine job. Applause please!! Yeay!!

So now, I need to focus on Robocon 2010 and my FRP ya. Hoho.....design has been finalized but compare to other institution, we are wayyyyyyyyyyyy behind. Huh....got to move on the fast lane.

Oh on the other hand, someone told me that I have a very big talent in doing business. Based on the number of my birth date..Huhu....never really tought about that. So many things to do, business has to be put aside for a while..lalalala~

Heh...been busy, but thanks to someone for everything. Thanks to viewers for your comments and thought. It helps a lot ya!

Heh....last but not least, all the best for all of you viewers. See you on the next entry ya!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

mY seMestEr

It would be a very busy semester for me.

How do I know? Let's just call it a hunch ya..hehe

With time is running out, my institution is going on the fast lane to prepare robots to be use in ROBOCON 2010. This is the first time my institution going for this competition. No high hopes but as long as the robots do the task just right, I would be more than delightful to gives the students an A.

Lots of things need to be done. From purchasing of raw materials, design and fabricates...students and lecturers will have to push a bit more in order for us, 'a new born baby' to be able to compete in this tournament. Let us at least leave some great memories for this ROBOCON 2010. InsyaAllah..

Next, this week I have been assign as one of the activity committee for the new students. Heh...so here I am, going to be one of the lecturers to guide the student here and there. Of course, today some of the senior students will come and register as the facilitator. They will be given a short course on how to facilitate. Because of that...tonight I will be joining them in for some ta'aruf and on the next day, I will give a talk regarding the issue of discipline and punctuality..lol.

Kinda remember the previous introduction week...where I am one of the discipline committee...hehe. Not a single smile along that week. So...as good as you may see me, but as evil actually as I can be...hehe. Hurm...not all the intakes are very well discipline ya...so we need to put it and fix it straight up from the start. This applies on all institution...university...college..all of it.

That's it for the new intake.

Also, suddenly I have been assign as the head of Polibriged in my department...where of course I will be in charge of the Polibriged in my department. There will be other lecturers working with me but you know the drill, if anything happens the person in charge will be most likely to be blame...boohoo....not to mention..more documents to compile...and more due dates to catch up. Hehe....what to do. Just smile and say thank you..lol.

Hey I am not nagging about my work ya....just sharing with my dear readers. As sharing is caring..hehe.

So here I am working my mind and my souls to do only the best. Even sometimes the loads are just too heavy to bear...there are always friends around that help calming and soothes you ya. Remember to stay positive. Try to find the bright side even if the chance is slim because that is how you can get your work done.

By believing on you and others around you...InsyaAllah everything will be ok!!

Afterall, having someone special helps you a lot...and I mean it ya...a lot. Heh.

Monday, January 4, 2010

sisipan 15

Biar terhitam kekal di sini
Ambil yang putih dan bawalah pergi
Harap hatinya indah dipenuhi
Tiada sakit tiada mati

Peluh di dahi dikesat pergi
Radang di hati siapa mengerti
Di luar nampak selengkap pasti
Sempurna wajah senyuman dititi

Biarkan aku beralah jiwa
Memberi engkau bahagia segala
Pastikan aku rasa sempurna
Bila ku tahu kau indah sentiasa

Salah diri memberi ruang
Untuk merasa bahawa kau curang
Keras jadinya bual dan bincang
Aku memang insan tak kenang

Lemahnya hati dikait suram
Tatkala pilu di keladak pendam
Esok lusa yakin ku genggam
Sekukuh rasa tidak ku muram

Tapi jujurnya aku merisau
Hilangnya hati biru berkilau
Terasa diri bagai nak sasau
Tiada teman bernama engkau

Maafkan aku pasir yang hitam
Cuba menjadi sebutir manikam
Berniat tidak meluka kau dalam
Moga kasih tidak tenggelam dan karam...

p/s: jangan berspekulasi...hanya berkarya..

Sunday, January 3, 2010


Looking back on those days...it felt like only yesterday I became a teacher at that school.
Still remember that after two days of working, I've been called as the class teacher for Form 3C - 3 Cekal....and deep down inside me, I am feeling very excited...couldn't actually explained it but one thing for sure, the feeling was one damn great feeling. lol..
So I walked up the stairs going towards my classroom. Oho...I could hear the noise coming from my classroom...and I started to think...'Oh my God..'
*dup dup*
*dup dup*
But hey, the class suddenly became very quiet as I walked into it. lol...may be....may be only...that..they were attracted to my charm?..ekekeke.
Well that was the gist of it. My first time on becoming a class teacher. Haha...3C didn't really gives me much of a headache during my post as their class teacher.
But you know what, they are really cute. Totally adorable!! It doesn't matter chinese, indian or bumiputra....they are all cute. Guess 3C didn't stand for 3 Cekal only...it can also be 3 Comel =)
Part of 3C
That was one year ago...now, I am not a teacher anymore...and they are not in Form 3. But there are students that still contact with me.
So...on the 1st January 2010, we set up a small reunion at Ampang Point. The agenda was to play bowling together...hehe. One of my favourite sport.
So after Jumaat prayer at Taman Kosas, I went to Ampang Point.
My...my...how they have grown up! Beautiful!! Splendid!! lol..
Prepare to lose...haha
Eventhough not all of the classroom came but it is a relief to find that they are ok with their study. Most of them will continue their Form 4 in science and account classes. Good for you!!
Oh by the way, I won the bowling game...hehe.
Dear viewers, do you know what makes a teacher happy when he/she mets his/her ex-students?
The word 'teacher' =)
p/s: sorry for the lines...still having trouble with my paragraphs spacing..